Calabash is a really cool tool but I find the documentation for android is a bit scattered. Some general stuff is readily available online but no links to docs about environment variables or command line options. In the following I have tried to put together a bit more info about command line options and environment variables based on version 0.5.4 of the source code.
Usage: calabash-android <command-name> [parameters] [options]help
prints very brief help information.
buildbuilds the test server that will be used when testing the app.
build <apk>run
run <apk>
Uses cucumber options, see below.
genGenerate a features folder structure.
consoleopen calabash console
console <apk>setup
Sets up a non-default keystore .calabash_settings to use with this test project.
resignRe-signs the app with the currently configured keystore.
versionPrints the gem version
General options
-v, --verbose
Turns on verbose logging
Environment variables
The environment variables used by calabash-android are documented in a mark-down file in the source which can be found here.Cucumber Options
The run command forwards command line options to cucumber. The options are described by options.rb in cucumber which is invoked by
cucumber --help
For cucumber 1.3.17:
Usage: cucumber [options] [ [FILE|DIR|URL][:LINE[:LINE]*] ]+ Examples: cucumber examples/i18n/en/features cucumber @rerun.txt (See --format rerun) cucumber examples/i18n/it/features/somma.feature:6:98:113 cucumber -s -i -r, --require LIBRARY|DIR Require files before executing the features. If this option is not specified, all *.rb files that are siblings or below the features will be loaded auto- matically. Automatic loading is disabled when this option is specified, and all loading becomes explicit. Files under directories named "support" are always loaded first. This option can be specified multiple times. --i18n LANG List keywords for in a particular language Run with "--i18n help" to see all languages -f, --format FORMAT How to format features (Default: pretty). Available formats: debug : For developing formatters - prints the calls made to the listeners. html : Generates a nice looking HTML report. json : Prints the feature as JSON json_pretty : Prints the feature as prettified JSON junit : Generates a report similar to Ant+JUnit. pretty : Prints the feature as is - in colours. progress : Prints one character per scenario. rerun : Prints failing files with line numbers. stepdefs : Prints All step definitions with their locations. Same as the usage formatter, except that steps are not printed. usage : Prints where step definitions are used. The slowest step definitions (with duration) are listed first. If --dry-run is used the duration is not shown, and step definitions are sorted by filename instead. Use --format rerun --out features.txt to write out failing features. You can rerun them with cucumber @rerun.txt. FORMAT can also be the fully qualified class name of your own custom formatter. If the class isn't loaded, Cucumber will attempt to require a file with a relative file name that is the underscore name of the class name. Example: --format Foo::BarZap -> Cucumber will look for foo/bar_zap.rb. You can place the file with this relative path underneath your features/support directory or anywhere on Ruby's LOAD_PATH, for example in a Ruby gem. -o, --out [FILE|DIR] Write output to a file/directory instead of STDOUT. This option applies to the previously specified --format, or the default format if no format is specified. Check the specific formatter's docs to see whether to pass a file or a dir. -t, --tags TAG_EXPRESSION Only execute the features or scenarios with tags matching TAG_EXPRESSION. Scenarios inherit tags declared on the Feature level. The simplest TAG_EXPRESSION is simply a tag. Example: --tags @dev. When a tag in a tag expression starts with a ~, this represents boolean NOT. Example: --tags ~@dev. A tag expression can have several tags separated by a comma, which represents logical OR. Example: --tags @dev,@wip. The --tags option can be specified several times, and this represents logical AND. Example: --tags @foo,~@bar --tags @zap. This represents the boolean expression (@foo || !@bar) && @zap. Beware that if you want to use several negative tags to exclude several tags you have to use logical AND: --tags ~@fixme --tags ~@buggy. Positive tags can be given a threshold to limit the number of occurrences. Example: --tags @qa:3 will fail if there are more than 3 occurrences of the @qa tag. This can be practical if you are practicing Kanban or CONWIP. -n, --name NAME Only execute the feature elements which match part of the given name. If this option is given more than once, it will match against all the given names. -e, --exclude PATTERN Don't run feature files or require ruby files matching PATTERN -p, --profile PROFILE Pull commandline arguments from cucumber.yml which can be defined as strings or arrays. When a 'default' profile is defined and no profile is specified it is always used. (Unless disabled, see -P below.) When feature files are defined in a profile and on the command line then only the ones from the command line are used. -P, --no-profile Disables all profile loading to avoid using the 'default' profile. -c, --[no-]color Whether or not to use ANSI color in the output. Cucumber decides based on your platform and the output destination if not specified. -d, --dry-run Invokes formatters without executing the steps. This also omits the loading of your support/env.rb file if it exists. -a, --autoformat DIR Reformats (pretty prints) feature files and write them to DIRECTORY. Be careful if you choose to overwrite the originals. Implies --dry-run --format pretty. -m, --no-multiline Don't print multiline strings and tables under steps. -s, --no-source Don't print the file and line of the step definition with the steps. -i, --no-snippets Don't print snippets for pending steps. -I, --snippet-type TYPE Use different snippet type (Default: regexp). Available types: classic: Snippets without parentheses. Note that these cause a warning from modern versions of Ruby. e.g. Given /^missing step$/ percent: Snippets with percent regexp e.g. Given %r{^missing step$} regexp : Snippets with parentheses e.g. Given(/^missing step$/) -q, --quiet Alias for --no-snippets --no-source. -b, --backtrace Show full backtrace for all errors. -S, --strict Fail if there are any undefined or pending steps. -w, --wip Fail if there are any passing scenarios. -v, --verbose Show the files and features loaded. -g, --guess Guess best match for Ambiguous steps. -l, --lines LINES Run given line numbers. Equivalent to FILE:LINE syntax -x, --expand Expand Scenario Outline Tables in output. --[no-]drb Run features against a DRb server. (i.e. with the spork gem) --port PORT Specify DRb port. Ignored without --drb --dotcucumber DIR Write metadata to DIR --version Show version. -h, --help You're looking at it.
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